Nicolas Bay, vice-president of Reconquête!, indicted for defamation of rapper Médine

Like LREM MP Aurore Bergé, Nicolas Bay accuses the rapper of being close to the “Islamist movement”. The vice-president of Reconquest! ensures that he will prove it at trial.

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Nicolas Bay, the vice-president of the party of Éric Zemmour Reconquête!, is indicted for defamation of the rapper Médine, reports France Bleu Normandie on Wednesday May 18.

He had accused the singer of being close to the “Islamist movement” in one of his campaign leaflets when Nicolas Bay was a National Rally candidate in the regional elections in Normandy in 2021. The Le Havre rapper had filed a complaint in June of the same year.

Nicolas Bay sent a message to France Bleu Normandie, in which he affirms that he will demonstrate “without difficulty during the trial the reality of what I said, namely that Medina was characterized by very real, public links and which he himself recognized with associations and personalities of this movement”.

Médine had also filed a complaint for defamation, at the beginning of 2021, against the deputy La République en Marche des Yvelines Aurore Bergé, because she had qualified him on LCI as “Islamist rapper” who launches “murder calls” in his songs.

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