Nicolas Bay, vice-president of reconquest, points to “the need for energy self-sufficiency” in France

Russian President Vladimir Putin threatens to cut off Russian gas from Friday, April 1 to countries that will not pay in rubles. In this context, the executive vice-president of Reconquest!, Nicolas Bay, pointed Thursday to franceinfo “the need for true energy self-sufficiency” from France. That “Energy independence obviously goes through nuclear power”pleads the support of the presidential candidate Éric Zemmour.

“Emmanuel Macron spent his five-year term waging war on nuclear power, in particular with the closure of Fessenheim”denounces Nicolas Bay. “Very recently, he rediscovered its interest by announcing the construction of a new reactor.” For the representative of Reconquest!, “we obviously have to commit, continue and accelerate on this path, which is the guarantee of energy produced in France, inexpensive and carbon-free”.

Nicolas Bay claims to have “hard to pass judgment on Vladimir Putin” who behaves, according to him, “as an adversary of our interests. He defends what he considers to be the interests of Russia. It just shows that we must be able to defend our interests”. Vice President of Reconquest! mocks “those who have lived for years under the illusion of a supposedly multipolar world where nations would not defend their interests”.

He sees the war in Ukraine as proof that “nations defend their interests, that borders have meaning, that countries do not want to agree to merge into a global village”. And, according to him, there is “in the world competition, adversaries, enemies, who do not hesitate to defend their interests, sometimes in an extremely brutal way”.

Nicolas Bay also believes that the war in Ukraine “has confined democracy. It prevents election campaigning.” He tackles Emmanuel Macron who is, according to him, “delighted” of the situation, because “he is trying to escape his balance sheet, to escape the legitimate inventory that the French want to make of a mandate that has been disastrous and from which the French have suffered”. The support of Éric Zemmour notes that the Head of State “plays the warlord, when there is no war on our soil, to prevent the electoral campaign from taking place under normal conditions”. Nicolas Bay judges this “detestable” because the French “have the right to this great moment of democracy”.

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