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Suspected of having transmitted confidential information to the camp of Éric Zemmour, the deputy European Nicolas Bay and door-word of the National Rally (RN) was removed from office Tuesday, February 15.
The spokesperson for the National Rally (RN), MEP Nicolas Bay, was dismissed from all his functions on Tuesday 15 February. He is accused of having transmitted confidential information to Eric Zemmour’s camp. For several weeks, Nicolas Bay had already been suspected of treason. “The RN claims to have confirmed that Nicolas Bay was a double agent“, reports the journalist Valéry Lerouge, present on the set of the 8 Hours of France 2, Wednesday.
“He has been transmitting for months, according to the RN, strategic and confidential information on the campaign of Marine Le Pen, to his direct competitor Éric Zemmour, and the RN even speaks of sabotage“, specifies the journalist, who recalls that during a trip to Madrid (Spain), where Nicolas Bay accompanied Marine Le Pen, the latter “had targeted him, without naming him, speaking of those who practiced ‘taqiya’, the concealment technique of terrorists before striking“. Marine Le Pen had also cited the technique of “the slug, slow and sticky“, adds Valéry Lerouge. For his part, Nicolas Bay, who defended himself by saying that he was not part of the candidate’s campaign office, denies everything.