Nicola Sirkis dad: rare photos of his young children, Théa, Alice-Tom and Jules

Nicola Sirkis turns 62 this Wednesday, June 22. A beautiful birthday that he will probably be able to celebrate alongside his family, her three young children, Théa, Alice-Tom and Jules. With his former companion Gwenaelle Bouchet, whose stage name is Gwen Blast, guitarist of the group Madinkà, they gave birth to their daughter Thea, in 2001. Married in 2003, they finally divorced in 2009. A sad separation that left marks on the artist. In the columns of Paris Match, he had also poured out on the subject. “I’m still in love with my daughter’s motherit is something indelible. Especially since, when it comes to my family, i live with the constant feeling that i miss them, even when they are around. (…) Everything passes so quickly. How many times do I regret that I didn’t stay with my daughter“, he had let know.

Nevertheless, in 2008, he managed to find love again in the arms of another, who gave him a son: Alice Tom. Then jules, in 2016, fruit of his love with a former graphic designer from the Indochine group. For confinement, the one who lost his twin brother Stéphane, who died tragically from hepatitis C, split in two. After sharing this strange experience with his eldest Théa – who had gone to study elsewhere – he found his two boys. “I was with my daughter and then when I had my two boys, it was rather one eye on the guitar, one eye on the fight. Because‘you have to manage when you have three alone“, he declared to Yann Barthès, in 2020 on the set of Daily. Nicola Sirkis does not hide being a real daddy hen. “My daily life resembles that of a father picking up his children from school.“, he thus affirmed to the Parisian. He is also very close to Lou, the daughter of his deceased brother.

A few secrets about Théa Sirkis, his eldest

Nicola Sirkis’ eldest daughter enjoyed an almost normal childhood, despite the notoriety of her illustrious father.”You know, at school, she is so discreet that no one knows that she is my daughter (…). She has no privileges. I refuse to raise it in luxury and opulence. She’s not surrounded by an army of nannies“, had made known the singer-songwriter in the columns of ELLE, in 2013. He then described himself as a “strict but not irresponsible dad“. The interpreter of The Adventurer has already warned his children that they may be harassed because of his name. “I still warned her that she could find horrible things about her father on the internet. But my daughter is absolutely not a fan of me. I tell him: ‘I’m a cool father, you’ve seen the job I do.’ She replies: ‘Pfff… I don’t care.‘”, he laughed. So far, Théa, Alice-Tom and Jules Sirkis are rather discreet and protected from their dad from any media exposure, but the artist lets himself share photos of them from time to time. Of rare pictures that we suggest you find above.

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