From 270 to 4000 inhabitants
There’s not only on the road to Louviers that we find roadmenders. Also in Veulettes sur Mer. As in all the municipalities of France or almost. Nico, he lives in Butot-Venesville, is from Malleville-les-Grès, but it is in the streets of the little pearl of the Pays de Caux let him spend his life. A well-deserved little name for Veulettes. That the roadmenders of the village strive not to lie with their daily work. It mows, it prunes, it sweeps, it tinkers… Just so that the village remains pretty, clean and welcoming. Especially since with the return of sunny days, some weekends, the town will go from 270 inhabitants to more than 4000.
– Fred Romanuik
A small event box
He’s not just a road mender, Nico. Once his roadmender’s day is over, he takes off his orange roadmender’s suit to put on that of company manager. History of combining his two other passions, for music and events. So here it is, with his little wife, he created ELSlike Event-Light-Sound. A small box of animation and events of all kinds. They liven up your small parties, but they also decorate the shops, especially for the end of year celebrations.
– Fred Romanuik