Nickel in the air in Limoilou | QS demands the resignation of Benoit Charette

(Quebec) Québec solidaire (QS) demanded on Friday the resignation of the Minister of the Environment, Benoit Charette.

The left-wing party accuses the minister of having “lied by omission” regarding the excess of nickel standards in the air in the Limoilou district of Quebec.

Air pollution is monitored there, particularly due to nickel transshipment operations at the Port of Quebec.

During a press conference in August, relating to the disclosure of data collected between last October and December, the minister did not mention the excess of the nickel standard in December and January.

“He lied by omission,” condemned in a press scrum on Friday the QS deputy for Jean-Lesage, Sol Zanetti, whose constituency includes Limoilou.

“He did not correct the port of Quebec which was telling him something that was not true and I think he knew that it was not true. Its role is to inform us and protect us. What he does is not inform us, he protects the port and hides information in abstruse and scientific documents that no one understands, except specialists. »

Through the X network, Mr. Charette responded that all the data had already been made public online on May 16.

He assured that he had acted and was transparent.

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