Nickel in the air: Bruno Marchand “ready for any eventuality”

With the approach of a major consultation concerning the reduction of the standard on nickel proposed by the Legault government, the mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand, says he is ready for “any eventuality”, including the establishment of a separate standard for the city.

In front of the journalists Friday, Mr. Marchand said that he would not hesitate to adopt a contradictory position of that of the government in this file.

Remember that the Ministry of the Environment announced in the spring that the annual standard for nickel levels in the air would increase from 12ng/m³ to 20ng/m³. A decision that faces significant opposition in Quebec, especially in the Limoilou district where the subject of air quality is very sensitive.

The government has given interested groups until February 20 to submit briefs on this subject. Before taking a position, the Marchand administration decided to hold its own consultation in the form of a plenary committee on February 3.

About ten groups will make presentations, including the Regional Council for the Environment, the Regional Department of Public Health, the Glencore mining company and various citizen groups. The Quebec Port Authority, where Glencore operates, refused to take part in the exercise.

On Friday, Mayor Marchand declined to say what position he intended to take. However, he pointed out that it was not “normal” that Quebec, unlike Montreal, had the power to have its own standard in the matter.

Further details will follow.

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