Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra: 1st photo of their daughter after 100 days in intensive care

Mother’s Day had a special flavor for Priyanka Chopra. If in France, this event will only be celebrated on May 29, in the United States moms were honored on Sunday May 8. For the occasion, Nick Jonas’ wife surprised her Instagram community and announced some great news.

The divine 39-year-old brunette has indeed posted a first photo of her daughter Malti Marie. Although her face is concealed in order to preserve it, Internet users can see her nestled in her mother’s arms. She is dressed in a small lavender jumpsuit and a bow of the same color. Nick Jonas’s wife hugs her tightly, her eyes closed as if to enjoy this blessed moment more. The 29-year-old looks tenderly at his marvel.

“We can’t help but reflect on the past few months and the roller coaster we’ve been throughwhich we now know, which so many people have also experienced. After more than 100 days in the NICU [Unité de soins intensifs néonatals, NDLR]our little girl is finally home. Each family’s journey is unique and requires a certain level of faith, and while ours has been difficult, what becomes very clear is how precious and perfect each moment is.“, can we read in the caption of the tender publication. The actress in particular seen in the series Quantico also did not fail to thank the staff of the hospitals in which her daughter remained.

Internet users quickly wished full of happiness to the happy couple who can finally start a new life more serenely.

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