Nice infectious disease specialist Véronique Mondain regrets the lifting of covid measures

Nice infectious disease specialist Véronique Mondain regrets lifting measures too quickly in the fight against Covid-19. She goes back to what she thinks she is the beginning of a sixth wave. 1144 cases per 100,000 inhabitants of incidence rate for the Alpes-Maritimes. A figure up 25% in just one week.

“We were too quick to lift the measures”

The infectiologist denounces a haste. And above all a “general” policy in the fight against the Covid. She would prefer that measures be adapted to populations at risk.

“When we are a population at risk we must put on the mask”

The presidential election in sight

We will have to put the mask in the voting booths suggests the infectiologist from Nice. Today this rule has not been imposed since mid-March and the end of the indoor mask. But it makes sense to the doctor.

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