NHL: Quinton Byfield ready for the future

The young center player Quinton Byfield did not have the start of his career hoped for with the Los Angeles Kings, he who spent half of his first campaign in the infirmary.

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The second overall pick in the 2020 draft was attacking heading into his rookie season last October. A broken left ankle, however, turned his plans upside down, and he had to wait until January 20 to play his first game of the season.

The giant-sized center didn’t look quite ready to excel in the best hockey league in the world when he returned to the game. He had 10 points in 40 games, and sat out most of the first round playoffs.

“I’m not losing hope, though,” Byfield told the National Hockey League website. I know that I am a good player and that I will reach my potential. I just need patience and another chance.”

He said he learned a lot during his time in the American Hockey League (AHL) with the Ontario Reign during the 2020-21 season, where he had 20 points in 32 games.

“Because of the pandemic, I was able to play in the AHL and I learned a lot from these guys, he chained. Several older veterans spent a lot of time there, so they kind of showed me how things work.”

Byfield will have a lot to do to carve out a regular position with the Kings next year, since this organization already has Anze Kopitar, Phillip Danault, Gabriel Vilardi, Alex Turcotte and Blake Lizotte in the center, to name a few.

“I still have a lot to prove,” he concluded. I think I will be much better next season.”

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