NGO Save the Children confirms the death of two of its employees in an attack

The two humanitarians were among at least 35 people “who were killed on Friday in an attack by the Burmese military” in the east of the country, said the NGO.

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The NGO Save the Children confirmed, Tuesday, December 28, the death of two of its employees who had been missing since last weekend in eastern Burma. The two humanitarians “were among at least 35 people, including women and children, who were killed on Friday in an attack by the Burmese military”, the NGO said in a statement.

The charred remains of around 30 people were found in burnt-out trucks in Kayah State, located in the east of the country. New UN Special Envoy for Burma Noeleen Heyzer expressed alarm on Monday “the continued escalation of violence” in the country. “Deeply worried”, she called to a cease-fire ebetween the Burmese military junta and its opponents on the occasion of the New Year.

Burma has sunk into chaos since the February 1 putsch that ended a decade-long democratic transition. In ten months, more than 1,300 civilians have been killed, according to a local NGO, the Association for Assistance to Political Prisoners (AAPP), which reports cases of torture and extra-judicial executions.

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