NFL owners to discuss Snyder’s future with Commanders

The future of Washington Commanders owner Dan Snyder will be part of the discussions at an upcoming executives meeting in Florida ahead of the NFL’s annual meetings at the end of March in Arizona, according to a source familiar with the situation.

This person requested anonymity to speak with The Associated Press on Tuesday since he was not cleared to discuss the details. She added that a vote to evict Snyder, if he chooses to remain the owner of the team, could take place.

Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay said at an NFL meeting in October that “there’s room to rule out” Snyder. However, it would take the agreement of 24 of the 31 NFL owners for such a suggestion to materialize.

Two weeks after Irsay’s comments, and as a slew of investigations into the work climate, finances, and behavior of Snyder himself in the dealership offices were underway, he and his wife Tanya hired a company “to study all possible options”.

Asked at the time whether the Snyder family was considering parting with the team, a spokesperson replied that “we are analyzing all avenues”.

The Commanders sale process kicked off the rumor mill, and the names of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the owner of the 76ers of Philadelphia and New Jersey Devils Josh Harris, as well as Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta circulated. THE New York Post reported that Snyder had blocked Bezos from submitting a bid, despite the fact that he hired a firm to investigate all possible options.

The Commanders have denied reports that have been published about the team’s sale process, and Snyder’s demands for a deal to be completed. The team said in a statement released Monday evening that an article from the washington post published a few hours earlier was “simply wrong”.

Citing anonymous sources, the Post reported that Snyder and his attorneys demanded compensation from other NFL owners and the league for potential lawsuits if he sells the team, and threatened to sue them if they did not.

The American daily added that Snyder also wants the conclusions of an NFL investigation to remain private, which would have angered the owners and revived the idea of ​​​​conducting a vote to expel him.

An NFL spokesperson declined to comment on information in the article. PostTuesday.

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