Neymar too big party animal? His group of friends pointed out by a relative

It has now been more than 4 years since Neymar settled down in the capital and it is clear that the results of his arrival at Paris Saint-Germain are far from satisfactory. Plagued by injuries at crucial moments of the season, the brilliant Brazilian seems to have lost his luster over the seasons. Having become the club’s third star this year behind Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappé, he seems to be having more and more difficulty making the difference on the pitch. Last proof to date with his more than dull performance against Real Madrid last week and another unlikely elimination for the Parisian club.

If he is now much more talked about off the field, Neymar seems to have lost the support of a good part of the PSG supporters. In a relationship for some time with a Brazilian bombshell, the 30-year-old footballer has become the symbol of all the ills of the club and many criticize him for leading a dissolute life and far from the standards of the highest professional level… A personality of his entourage spoke on the subject to the newspaper The Parisian and, according to her, people have the wrong image of the player. “It’s mostly his friends who are pure party people. It’s clear that they don’t pull him up in terms of lifestyle“, she lets go.

He, in general, remains quite soft and quite sober in the evening

Always accompanied by the same band of friends – who call themselves the “Toiss” – or five men of the same generation as him, Neymar likes to party and does not hide it. Only, he knows his limits and knows when to stop if we are to believe this same person. He, in general, remains quite soft and quite sober in the eveningshe assures.

Far from the image that some want to stick to him, Neymar would therefore be rather wise in his private life if we are to believe this person around him. Present during the last Fashion Week, the attacker quickly adapted to the charms of Parisian life and his friends obviously imitated him!

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