Neymar poker fan: he loses a crazy amount in a tournament

We know it, Neymar has many passions in life. In addition to football, which occupies a very important part of his days, the 30-year-old Brazilian is a bon vivant who loves to party with his many friends, sometimes to the point of annoying Paris Saint-Germain followers. Among all its interests, poker nevertheless appears to be one of the most lively. The Parisian spends a lot of time playing with his friends and on the Internet and they don’t hesitate to put stories of his games on his Instagram account. He is also the ambassador of a well-known online poker brand.

A passion that pushes the teammate of Messi and Mbappé to participate in high-level professional tournaments. As we learned from Nice Matin yesterday, Neymar was on the side of Monaco last weekend, to participate in a tournament. Just after his team’s match against Strasbourg, the one who has just formalized his relationship with the sublime Bruna Biancardi, flew to the Rock to attend the EPT Monaco, a tournament whose entry ticket is 25 000 euros, just that!

Not necessarily very lucky, like his half-hearted season with the capital club, Neymar did not really perform during this tournament which brought together very good players. By finishing 29th out of 74 registered, he finished in the middle of the table, but did not receive any gain and therefore leaves relieved of his 25,000 euros departure. A French player also filmed the arrival of the Brazilian in the very classy Sporting Monte-Carlo where the competition took place.

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