Neymar grilled with the wife of a teammate after a match, the video that makes people talk…

The prowess of Paris Saint-Germain has been annoying and worrying for weeks. This Sunday again, the Parisian club failed to beat Troyes and the meeting ended in a draw (2-2). A third draw for PSG, which had also tied in the last matches against Lens and against Strasbourg.

Neymar, who is considered one of the strongest players in the world, is among the club members singled out for their lack of results. Injury, illness, fatigue linked to crazy evenings, the Brazilian player has also been singled out by several sports journalists for his lack of seriousness on the ground. Today, the striker is in the headlines because a video shows him alongside Wanda Icardi, the wife of his teammate Mauro Icardi…

Wanda Icardi embarrassed by the cameras
This video strongly relayed on Twitter is currently the buzz. We see Wanda Icardi there, calling out Neymar to talk to him and trying to catch up with him. The pretty blonde is then surprised to see the cameras filming the scene and her embarrassment can then be seen on her face… It was enough for Internet users to make assumptions about a possible relationship between the mother and Neymar.

”She calls out to him, and then? Sir what’s going on? Why are they hiding lol”, “In any case, this bitch is ultra b*nne, I understand why Icardi no longer has his head in football…”, “The way she looks at the front cameras, that’s the real file like m * ere I was picked up, I’m in the sauce … ”, ”The bitches recognize each other…” one can read among the reactions.

We recall that Wanda Icardi and her husband Mauro Icardi recently made headlines after being on the verge of divorce. The football player had been grilled by his wife exchanging romantic and passionate messages with an Argentine starlet named China Suarez. After entreaties and apologies, Mauro Icardi had managed to convince the beautiful Wanda not to divorce and to stay with him…

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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