news within reach of children

Results of the European elections, surprise dissolution of the National Assembly and kick-off of the Euro football: this is the menu of the new episode of the podcast “Hello news!”


Reading time: 18 min

The kick-off of the Euro men's football, on the menu of the week's file.  (ZELDA ZONK / ASTRAPI / BAYARD PRESSE)

Every week, the “Hi news!” podcast. tells the news to 7-11 year olds, a production of Franceinfo radio and Astrapi magazine. The children speak throughout the show: to comment on current events, ask questions, ask for advice or even tell jokes! To co-present this week’s episode, “Hi News!” hands the microphone to Liérim, 7 years old.

The news is first and foremost political and this has certainly not escaped the children. So this new episode looks back on the results of the European elections but also on the decision taken by President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly in France. What does that mean and what will happen in the coming weeks? Answers in detail in this show.

In the United States, three children made an incredible discovery, recently reported by scientists. These young enthusiasts – aged 7 to 10 at the time – discovered an adolescent Tyrannosaurus fossil! A discovery that will greatly help scientists.

The current fifteen minutes of Friday June 14.  (ZELDA ZONK / ASTRAPI / BAYARD PRESSE)

To launch you into the adventure of media education in cycles 2 and 3, we provide you, every week, with a new episode of “Quart d’heure Actu”. This sequence of three brief audio extracts from the podcast “Salut l’info!” allows you to establish a short and fun weekly information ritual in class. And to encourage active listening among students, the session is accompanied by a quiz to download.

>> To find out more, go to the Bayard education website

The current quarter of an hour of June 14

Friday June 14 is the start of a major competition in Europe: the men’s football Euro. For its first match, France will face Austria on Monday June 17. To talk about sport, passion and competition, this week children interview Guy Stéphan, former footballer and current assistant coach of the French men’s football team.

In our “We tell each other everything” section, Raphaëlle confides to us that she is fed up with always failing at what she does. With the help of our psychologist Nadège, the show gives her advice on how to face and overcome her stage fright and gain more self-confidence.

We also listen to three listener jokes left on the show’s answering machine as well as Liérim’s favorites, our young presenter of the week.

Good listening !

“Hey news!” was prepared for you this week by:

Estelle Faure, Agathe Guilhem, Lara Mercier, Solène Cressant and Rémi Chaurand in production
Pauline Pennanec’h and Marion Joseph as editor-in-chief
Philippe Baudouin directing
Cherif Bitelmaldji on mixing

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