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What is the news of the candidates for the presidential election of 2022? Journalist Caroline Motte takes stock on Friday February 18, from the set of 12/13.
After an angry outburst from Valérie Pécresse, who denounced in front of journalists in off a “Pecresse bashing”candidate LR tested “a meeting of a new kind”, Thursday, February 17: without a card and microphone in hand, she answered questions from the public. While still awaiting the support of Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president remains silent. “We learned that the former President of the Republic would have lunched at the Élysée on January 28, his birthday”indicates journalist Caroline Motte, who specifies that Emmanuel Macron “would have even offered him his favorite chocolates”. Case to follow, therefore, especially since the current head of state is still not an official candidate.
His first 15 days of campaign are in any case already planned. “On the program, a lot of travel, and three big meetings planned: in Paris, Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), and in the West of France”, continues Caroline Motte. On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is beginning to believe in the second round, especially since Ségolène Royal has given him her support. In the polls, the LFI candidate is leading the race. The weekend will once again be very political with Yannick Jadot outdoors in Tours (Indre-et-Loire), Anne Hidalgo in Bourbriac (Côtes d’Armor), Valérie Pécresse in Le Cannet (Alpes-Maritimes), Marine Le Pen in Vienne (Isère) and finally Éric Zemmour in Ardevon (Manche).