News for 8 to 12 year olds | Information explained to young people

Every Sunday, The Press will broadcast the content of Les As de l’info, a new youth digital platform entirely devoted to daily news. The daily explains the headlines to children aged 8 to 12 and allows them to learn, react and even comment on current topics. “Our objective is to train a succession of citizens who are more engaged, more informed and with a more developed critical mind,” explains the director, Ève Tessier-Bouchard. The Les As de l’info platform is accessible free of charge to all children. — Alice Girard-Bosse, The Press

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Laurent Cote and Melanie Loubert
The aces of info

Children also have their say, right?

In Quebec, 6 out of 10 children say they do not feel that the government thinks of them when it makes decisions. Are you okay with that? Moreover, 52% of them think that they would be able to advise the government on certain issues.


Images taken from the video provided by Les As de l’Info

And you, have you ever wondered what values ​​and opinions best represent young people aged 8 to 12? Well, we think your opinion is important. This is why we commissioned a survey specifically to try to answer this question. Will the results surprise you? Let’s watch it together!

How was the survey carried out?

The polling firm Léger carried out the survey, from July 13 to 21, 2022. Employees of this company asked questions on the Internet to 500 children throughout Quebec: 250 girls and 250 boys. The children in question were 8 to 12 years old and could speak French or English.

Now let’s take a look at the results!


Your most important value

Which value is the most important for the children of Quebec? The fight was very close in the answer to this question, but in the end it was respect that won first place! Right behind are honesty, then, a little lower, justice and fairness.

If you had a magic wand…

What problem in the world would you solve first if you had a magic wand? Do you think you know what the children interviewed answered to this question?

Well, the answer is: the end of wars and peace in the world! This option was chosen by the vast majority of children. Six out of ten children gave this answer. Then followed, equally, world hunger and access to drinking water, and the extinction of animal and plant species. The fight against climate change came in fourth place, followed by the fight against poverty and homelessness.

What makes you proud to live in Quebec?

To this question, a large majority of children selected… the territory of Quebec! By this we mean natural resources such as forests, lakes and rivers. The French language comes in second place, closely followed by openness to the world. The free education system and Quebec culture take care of bringing up the rear.

If you were Prime Minister…

Finally, the children put themselves in the Prime Minister’s shoes and chose the thing they would change first. The most popular response was “that everyone has access to health care when they are sick”. Just behind, there is “to have more beautiful schools and schoolyards”, and finally, “to make bullying disappear”.

Your daily news

Do you want to read your news every day? Go to the Info As website. You can read news written for you, comment on them, ask your questions and take part in surveys, quizzes and contests! And come back to see us every Sunday in The Press+ for exclusive news and more! Remember that your curiosity is a superpower!

How does the voting process work?

You wonder how it works, elections? Here is what we have prepared for you. And don’t forget that you can vote on October 3 too. In each polling station, there is a small polling station for children! You will be asked a very interesting question!

Paying taxes, an option?


Éric Duhaime, leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec

Recently, we learned that the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec, Éric Duhaime, has not paid several of his taxes in recent years. Since we are in the middle of an election campaign, this news has caused a lot of reaction. It raised the question: should a potential future prime minister lead by example?

What has happened ?

For several years, Éric Duhaime owed the City of Quebec several thousand dollars. In fact, he hadn’t paid his municipal taxes for a while on two of his properties. When a person owns a residence, he is required to pay several taxes. The problem is that Mr. Duhaime did not, to the point where a bailiff* was sent to his home to seize furniture. It is a means used by justice to repay the debts of certain people who refuse or are unable to pay them.

The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec defended himself by saying that it was the fault of his tenant, who should have taken care of the taxes. But legally, it is up to the owner to pay the taxes of his accommodation, and not to the tenant of the place. When the news came out in the media, Éric Duhaime immediately paid the amounts due.

Why is it important to talk about it?

Some people said it was Mr. Duhaime’s private life and not important information. Why did journalists talk about it? In Quebec, everyone must pay taxes, and not to do so is to disobey the law. These taxes are important because they are used to fund public goods. It is for example thanks to municipal taxes that we can have arenas, public swimming pools, that parks can be developed.

Éric Duhaime is running in the October 3 election to become Premier of Quebec. If he wants to have the confidence of Quebeckers, it is important that he respects the laws and pays his taxes, like everyone else. In order for citizens to vote in an informed manner, it is important that the media report if any of the candidates violate these laws.

For his part, the latter affirmed that the file was closed and that it was now useless to continue talking about it.

* A bailiff is an officer responsible for announcing court decisions and enforcing them. For example, it is the bailiff who will be sent to collect furniture and other valuables if a landlord fails to pay their bills.

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