New Zealand | Trucks around Parliament to protest against sanitary measures

(Wellington) A convoy of trucks and motorhomes blocked the streets around the New Zealand Parliament in Wellington on Tuesday to protest against health measures and vaccination, a movement inspired by that which paralyzes the capital of Canada.

Posted yesterday at 10:24 p.m.

Hundreds of vehicles, emblazoned with messages such as “give us back our freedom” and “coercion is not consent”, parked in the streets near the parliament building.

Hundreds more drove through the city center honking their horns as more than a thousand people listened to the speeches.

Wellington resident Stu Main said protesters felt their concerns about their rights being rolled back were not being heard by the government.

“I am vaccinated, but I am against forcing people to do so,” he explained, calling the policy “scandalous”.

The protest remained peaceful and police reported no arrests or major incidents.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has said she has no intention of speaking with those who took part in the operation, stressing that the majority of New Zealanders have shown their support for the government’s vaccination programme.

“96% of New Zealanders have been vaccinated, which allows us to live today with fewer restrictions thanks to the extra protection it has given,” she told Radio New Zealand.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is mandatory for people working in certain sectors such as health, police, education and defence.

A health passport system came into force, requiring people to prove their vaccination to enter restaurants, take part in sporting events or religious services.

It is not compulsory in public transport, supermarkets, schools or to access health services.

Several of the Wellington protesters carried Canadian flags, including an expat named Billy, who declined to give his last name.

Hundreds of trucks have been besieging the Canadian capital for more than ten days and the mayor of Ottawa called on federal authorities on Monday for help to put an end to it.

Organizers of the Wellington convoy have not indicated how long they intend to stay in the city.

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