New Zealand | Céline Dion songs that disturb…

Imagine: you are sleeping peacefully when you are suddenly awakened by my heart Will Go On by Celine Dion, spat at full volume through megaphones.

It has become daily life for residents of a New Zealand town, where a petition is circulating to put an end to sound fights (sound battles) which can last until the early morning.

Not sure if you’re following? During a sound fight, participants use their car, most often equipped with sirens, to blast music as loudly as possible.

Celine Dion’s repertoire would be a popular choice, in particular because of the lack of bass in her songs, according to an amateur at local media The Spinoff.

According to him, sound fights represent a harmless activity, although sometimes disturbing.

But for the neighborhood, the noise has become unbearable. Hundreds of people have signed the petition calling for a ban on these gatherings that they have endured since last February.

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