New York Yankees | Domingo German suspended 10 games for using an illegal substance

(New York) New York Yankees pitcher Domingo German has been suspended for 10 games by Major League Baseball and fined for using an illegal substance on the mound.

The suspension, which was announced Wednesday, comes after German was ejected in the fourth inning of Tuesday’s game against the Toronto Blue Jays. One of the referees said that “German’s hand was the stickiest I’ve ever touched”.

“I had a hard time getting my fingers off his palm,” said head official James Hoye after the game.

The penalty was imposed by Michael Hill, Major League Baseball’s senior vice president for field operations. German has not appealed and his suspension will begin Wednesday night in Toronto.

German retired the first nine batters he faced Tuesday night. He denied Hoye’s claim, stating that there was nothing but rosin on the hand.

“It was definitely the bag of rosin,” German insisted through a translator. It was sweat and the bag of rosin. I don’t need any extra help grabbing the baseball. »

German’s expulsion was the fourth since Major League Baseball began its crackdown on banned substances two years ago. It was the second this season.

New York Mets pitcher Max Scherzer was suspended for a sticky substance on April 20. Hector Santiago of the Seattle Mariners and Caleb Smith of the Arizona Diamondbacks were suspended in 2021.

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