New York | Weight discrimination now prohibited

(New York) New York Mayor Eric Adams on Friday signed a law banning discrimination based on appearance by adding weight and height to the list of protected categories, such as race, gender and religion. .

“We all deserve the same access to jobs, housing and public accommodations, no matter what we look like, and no matter how tall or heavy you are,” said the mayor, who joined d other elected officials as well as advocates for body diversity and acceptance, during a bill signing ceremony at City Hall.

Eric Adams, a Democrat who published a book about curing his diabetes with a plant-based diet, said the ordinance “will help level the playing field for all New Yorkers, create places more inclusive working and living environments and to protect against discrimination”.

Exemptions under the ordinance, which the city council passed this month, include cases where an individual’s height or weight could prevent them from performing the essential functions of a job.

Some business leaders voiced their opposition to the legislation when it was before the board, arguing that complying with the regulations could become an onerous burden.

“The magnitude of the impact and cost of this legislation has not been fully considered,” said Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City, an organization of CEOs from companies, in a press release.

Several other US cities have banned discrimination based on weight and physical appearance, including San Francisco, Washington and Madison, Wisconsin. Legislation prohibiting discrimination based on weight and height has also been introduced in states such as New Jersey and Massachusetts.

Tigress Osborn, president of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, said New York’s ban on weight discrimination should serve as a model for the nation and for the world.

Mme Osborn said the city’s passage of the new ordinance “will reverberate around the world” and show that “discrimination against people because of their size is wrong and we can change it.”

The order will come into effect in 180 days, on November 22.

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