New York | Airbnb boss does not plan to relax regulations

(New York) The CEO and co-founder of Airbnb Brian Chesky does not believe in a relaxation, in the near future, of the new draconian conditions imposed on the platform by the city of New York, which have significantly restricted its activity on this market.

“I think there won’t be a resolution in New York for a long time,” the leader said on CNBC on Wednesday. “It was the first city where we were challenged (by the authorities) and it may be the last where we manage to find a solution. »

The municipality of New York promulgated a law in early September that prohibits landlords from renting apartments or rooms for a period of less than 30 days, except under very strict conditions.

An owner must first register and can only offer one room in his apartment, only if he is at home during the entire stay of the visitor(s), who cannot be more than two, their room must remain accessible.

New York City implemented this measure to deal with soaring rents and insufficient rental stock.

Brian Chesky put the impact of this law on Airbnb’s results into perspective, saying that the cultural capital of the United States is no longer one of the platform’s three most important destinations, which are now Paris, London and Los Angeles.

“13 years ago, New York represented 70 to 80% of our activity,” explained the boss of the platform. “Today, it’s only a small percentage. »

He ensured that no city accounted for more than 1.5% of the revenue generated by the San Francisco group.

“With the exception of a few cities, things have calmed down” on the regulatory level in general for Airbnb, said Brian Chesky. “We will always be regulated and we will always be in dialogue” with local authorities “as long as it makes sense. »

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