After the holidays, it is now that professionals are really committing to the new year, 2024. With what perspectives?
Reading time: 2 min

2024 is a special year in France, culminating in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which will be followed by the 80th anniversary of the Provence landings. There are therefore interesting prospects in terms of tourism, for catering professions and hotel and catering professionals. It is also as president of their union, Umih, that Michelin-starred chef Thierry Marx takes a look at this “new year” which begins in January.
“All these events will create attractiveness for France, and highlight itnotes Thierry Marx. That’s the positive side of things. But we must not hide our faces with a very complicated exit in 2023: the cost of raw materials and that of energy are exploding, we have to repay the loans guaranteed by the State from the Covid period, the staff is complicated to find, etc.”
Disappearance of 7000 establishments
The Banque de France is therefore sounding the alarm: 7,000 establishments will disappear at the start of 2024. The great pandemic has had a significant impact on treasuries. Thierry Marx still wants to keep his morale up: “Hearts up! Some strong signals are green. But we will have to find new planning for our professions, because the sacrificial relationship to work – as we older generations experienced it – no longer exists. “
Young people actually want a social life alongside their professional life. Without forgetting the digitalization which destabilizes the entire system between meals delivered at home and reservation platforms in restaurant rooms. But the world of catering has always demonstrated vitality and resilience to face all crises.