New work blitz in 2022 for better air quality in schools

Quebec will make more than 100,000 adjustments to its classrooms in 2022 to meet the air quality criteria set by science. Of this number, 350 interventions must allow the addition of new air exchangers.

This is the information released Wednesday morning by the Ministry of Education. A total envelope of more than $225 million must finance these supplementary measures. “I think that at the end of the operation, the work will be done,” said the Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge, a few minutes before rushing into the Blue Room on Wednesday.

In a press release made public in the morning, the ministry indicates that “eventually, more than 35,000 premises in nearly 2,400 school buildings will have been targeted by air quality work”.

A detailed document suggests replacements of ventilation system filters in more than 14,000 classrooms and repairs in more than 7,000 premises. As for the classes that will install exchangers or air purifiers in 2022, there are approximately 1,200 of them.

The office of the Minister of Education claims to have made reservations for ventilation devices. These could be sent out later in the year if needed, the Homework.

Quebec is still pleased with the air quality in its classrooms, which, in “more than 95% of the premises”, meets its maximum CO standard.2. “Less than 0.5% of the premises recorded a weekly average concentration of CO2 greater than 2000ppm [parties par million] “, Indicates the ministry, which ensures to follow up with the establishments affected.

Installation of CO readers2 quickly aroused the suspicions of some teachers on the return from school break in January. According to several testimonies collected by The duty at the time, the readings regularly exceeded the imposed standard.

According to data released Wednesday, readings have steadily improved since the start of the year. Last week, three quarters of the reading devices installed across Quebec had average readings below 1000 ppm of CO2 in the air.

Further details will follow.

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