Will we be able to swim freely in the St. Lawrence River, in Lachine, starting next year? This is what Borough Mayor Maja Vodanovic hopes, as she will present her development vision for the Lachine Bay sector this Thursday.
Posted at 12:00 a.m.
“Our last two years of water quality testing show that it’s really excellent. There are other tests to be done for the quality of the soil, but we don’t think we will have any problems because there has never been any construction there. Also, the water is very deep. We are sure to get there. We are aiming for next year for swimming, ”explains the elected municipal official in an interview with The Press.

Maja Vodanovic, Mayor of the Borough of Lachine
In July 2020, the City of Montreal announced that the Lachine marina, which it owns, would be in its last year. The City’s intention is to transform the space into a “new park on the waters of Lake Saint-Louis”, with substantial investments of 25 million for work that should continue until 2025, with the objective to “make the shores accessible to all”.
At the time, the Boaters’ Association of the Lachine Marina (APPPL) strongly criticized the decision, judging that this marina was “historic” and that it “is one of the attractions of Lachine”. A lawsuit had even been launched by the group, before being abandoned, for lack of means.

The former director general of Nautisme Québec, Sylvain Deschênes, during a peaceful demonstration in support of the Association of Boaters of the Lachine Marina (APPPL), in September 2020
“It’s the perfect place”
The new waterfront park will therefore see the light of day. And Maja Vodanovic intends to make it “a vast place for sports and swimming activities”. “We are considering, for example, hebertism, water games for children, various outdoor activities and, of course, swimming,” illustrates the mayor.
This new public bathing area would be located “between René-Lévesque Park and the new waterfront park,” says Ms.me Vodanovic.
There is a point in the middle of the bay, which is very well known. There, the water is good even after the rain, because we are quite far from the shore. And the water is cleaner than on the other side where there is the passage of boats towards the lock. It’s the perfect place.
Maja Vodanovic, Mayor of the Borough of Lachine
His borough will be inspired, among other things, by projects such as “Breakwater Park” in Kingston, Ontario, where a swimming area and a beach have been developed for the public. “I went there and I can tell you that it was alive! People go there all day, then they go to the restaurant, encourage the local economy. That’s what I would like to see here, ”continues the elected official.
In September, work to upgrade the sewers must also take place on the site of the old marina.
The docks, however, will not be removed until September. “I want to see how we can reuse them, these docks,” says the mayor, who does not rule out making them platforms for swimmers, or even offering them to the park of the Marina d’escale, where the City plans to relocate boaters affected by the closure of the marina.
A “wacky” project
At Nautisme Québec, however, general manager Josée Côté describes as “far-fetched” the idea of “destroying the existing facilities” at the marina which, according to her, was located “in a perfect place to accommodate boats, given the drainage in the rock made to open the locks of yesteryear, from the year 1825″.
A new marina on the shore will require bottom dredging to excavate, possibly in rock. Obtaining various necessary permits, installing docks, electricity, water, sewer and other services. In addition, there is no parking on the banks to accommodate boaters.
Josée Côté, General Manager of Nautisme Québec
In addition, “the costs incurred by setting up a new marina from scratch require significant investment and long lead times”, recalls Mr.me Side.
His group nevertheless says it is “open to studying more in depth the possibility and feasibility of opening a smaller marina on the shore”. A meeting took place this week with the elected officials of Lachine, and another should take place shortly.
The Lemay firm was mandated to draw up the plans for the redevelopment of the Lachine Bay sector. Work will also be carried out at the Maison de la culture, as well as at the Musée de Lachine. The borough is also considering the “development of a cultural district” at Quai34.
The visitors’ pavilion, this emblematic building located at the entrance to the canal, will however be demolished due to “structural defects”. Discussions are underway with Parks Canada to determine the future of the site.