New variant of COVID-19 | Opposition calls on Ottawa to ban non-essential flights from affected countries

(Ottawa) Canada must quickly follow suit with countries in Europe and Asia by banning non-essential travel to and from countries on the African continent that are affected by transmission of the new variant detected in South Africa. South, say the opposition parties.

Joël-Denis Bellavance

Joël-Denis Bellavance

In a statement, Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole said we need to act quickly to prevent Canadians from being affected. Thus, it considers that it is necessary to suspend the flights to and from South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini.

“As we learn that a new variant of COVID-19 is spreading, we have little time to act, and it must be done now. Canada’s Conservatives are urging Justin Trudeau to protect Canada’s border, ”said the Conservative leader.

Mr. O’Toole wants a mandatory screening of all passengers arriving at international airports across the country and a mandatory quarantine of all travelers from affected countries, regardless of their vaccination status.

The Conservative premiers of Alberta and Ontario quickly echoed Mr. O’Toole’s comments. In similar statements, Jason Kenney and Doug Ford called on the federal government not to make the same “mistakes” as at the start of the pandemic by letting the Alpha and Delta variants enter the country.

There are currently no direct flights between Canada and the African continent. The Public Health Agency of Canada was scheduled to hold a press conference Friday morning; it was postponed to a still unknown time.

The Bloc Québécois also demanded similar immediate measures. “The Bloc Québécois is calling today on the government to quickly suspend commercial and private passenger flights from South Africa and neighboring countries in southern Africa, in a preventive and temporary manner, until we have more details on the transmissibility and severity of the B.1.1.529 variant, ”said Bloc member Kristina Michaud.

With The Canadian Press

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