new tensions between migrants and Polish authorities


France 3

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Of new tensions erupted on Tuesday, November 16, between migrants and security forces on the border between Poland and Belarus. The journalist Julien Gasparutto provides a live update for the 12/13 from France 3.

On Monday, November 15, Belarusian President Alexander Loukachenko seemed to take a step towards appeasement in the “migrant crisis”, present at the gates of Poland in the hope of obtaining asylum in Europe. But as early as Tuesday morning, new tensions erupted between those stranded at the border and the security forces. “Since this morning, we have been witnessing an incessant broom of police, soldiers, ambulances, because this morning, several migrants have again tried to cross this border “., reports journalist Julien Gasparutto, live at the border between the two countries, for the 12/13 of France 3, Tuesday.

Migrants have thus “threw stones at the Polish authorities, who responded with tear gas and water cannons“, specifies the journalist, who adds that a Polish policeman was seriously injured. In addition, diplomatic exchanges are intensifying.”Last night, Emmanuel Macron spoke with Vladimir Poutin, both called for a de-escalation. Alexander Lukashenko, he spoke with Angela Merkel, and the Belarusian president seems to lower a tone“, continues Julien Gasparutto. Indeed, the Belarusian leader says he does not want a conflict on his border and says he is ready to help migrants return to their country.

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