new success for the Blues who sign a tenth consecutive victory and end their season undefeated

A last one before we go. The Blues of the XV of France won in their second match of the summer tour against Japan (20-15), Saturday July 9, at the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo. Borrowed in the first period, dominated in the stifling heat, and led at the break (15-7), the Blues fought to pick up the score. They were delivered by a try from substitute Baptiste Couilloud ten minutes from time. Thanks to this success, the French equal the record of ten consecutive victories set in October 1937. They have not lost since July 2021 in Australia.

As during the first meeting on Saturday July 2, the Blues quickly returned to their match, and Matthis Lebel scored the first French try in the 9th minute. But in difficult conditions, under the heat and humidity of the Japanese capital, they quickly plunged again. Stunned by the response almost in quick succession from the Japanese (13th), they multiplied the faults and were overwhelmed once again just before the break (15-7).

The Japanese learned from the setback of last weekend, where they had exhausted themselves trying to dynamite the game. “No doubt they will offer more dispossession, which is more like European rugby”, had advanced Fabien Galthié in a pre-match press conference. The French coach was right. On the lawn of the Olympic Stadium, the Brave Blossoms waited en bloc and patiently responded to the kicking game initiated by Matthieu Jalibert. They were able to seize opportunities to score two tries in 40 minutes, as many as in the first match.

Fabien Galthié felt the urgency to act and made his first changes shortly after returning from the locker room. Reinvigorated, the Blues have developed some interesting actions, in the wake of young Max Spring. For his big premiere, the 21-year-old fullback showed some great inspirations. His crazy breakthrough on the hour mark notably awakened and revived the French block, even if a fault by Thibaud Flament deprived the Blues of points on this action.

Among the returnees, Baptiste Couilloud was particularly famous for bringing the ball to life and trying to breathe new life into it. The Lyon scrum half was rewarded with a solo try ten minutes from the siren (20-15) to allow his team to regain the lead. The Blues then held on, despite a last fright on a Japanese try that was finally refused, to seal a success acquired with forceps.

The XV of France thus completes, without the slightest defeat, an excellent season, the best of the Galthié era, with prestigious victories, such as against New Zealand, and the title at the Six Nations Tournament. The Blues will return to the field next November, during the autumn tour in France.

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