New shareholder | Elon Musk will meet with Twitter employees

(San Francisco) Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk, who recently acquired just over 9% of the capital of Twitter, will soon meet with group employees for a question and answer session, confirmed to AFP on Friday. a company spokesperson.

Posted at 11:14 a.m.

Twitter did not wish to specify where, when and in what format this meeting would take place.

After the announcement Monday of his stake, making him the largest shareholder of the platform, came Tuesday that of his entry to the board of directors of the microblogging site.

“I look forward to working with Parag and the Twitter Board to implement meaningful improvements […] In the coming months ! “, then tweeted the richest man in the world in response to a welcome message from Twitter boss Parag Agrawal.

Mr. Musk had launched a poll of his 81 million followers a few hours earlier, asking them if they would like an “edit” button to be added to Twitter (which would allow a tweet to be edited after it was posted online). ).

An overwhelming majority of participants (73.6%) voted “Yes”.

According to washington postseveral Twitter employees expressed their concerns after the arrival of Mr. Musk to the board of directors, believing in particular that the values ​​​​of the billionaire were not in line with the corporate culture of the social network.

“We know he has hurt workers, the trans community, women and others with less power around the world,” one employee wrote in a message from internal discussion, quoted by the washington post.

“How are we going to reconcile this decision [de faire entrer M. Musk au conseil d’administration, NDLR] with our values? Is innovation taking precedence over humanity? “asked this employee.

the washington post specifies that Twitter executives hastened to reassure employees about the future role of Mr. Musk, promising that he would not be responsible for major decisions of the company.

On Thursday, Mr. Musk posted a photo on Twitter where he is seen holding a joint, surrounded by a halo of smoke. The snap, from one of his appearances on host Joe Rogan’s podcast, comes with the following caption: “Twitter’s next board meeting is going to be exhilarating.”

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