New sexologists trained soon in Quebec

No more Montreal exclusivity. Quebec will finally have its baccalaureate program in sexology, starting next September. Interview with its director and a teaching assistant.

Until now, only UQAM offered a bachelor’s degree in sexology in Quebec, a diploma required to have access to the title and to the Professional Order of Sexologists of Quebec. In short, prerequisites to officially be a sexologist here.

However, from the next school year, Laval University, which already offers a short program (certificate) in sexology, will also have its baccalaureate. Registrations are open. In total, 60 students will be admitted per year.

“There was a phenomenal increase in demand, we couldn’t supply! », Indicates Geneviève Martin, future director of the program, in a virtual interview last week.


Genevieve Martin

All smiles, she welcomes the announcement. It must be said that the needs are “glaring,” she says. “These are current issues, there is public sensitivity to the importance of education. And social movements like #metoo have highlighted the importance of prevention. »

In terms of education, she says, “young people want to receive sexuality education, they want tools to live a healthy and satisfying sexuality, and they do not always have the answers to their questions. They want to be approached! »

On the health side, the needs are just as “clear”, adds his colleague and instigator of the program, Isabelle Proulx, lecturer and sexologist psychotherapist. Whether in terms of mental health or health in general, professionals “are not necessarily equipped to support patients,” she argues. “In all hospitals, there would be room for sexologists. »

“Fascinating subject”

The program, which will be overseen by both the faculty of medicine and that of social sciences, will be focused on theory, but above all on practice. “We want to train workers who will carry out intervention,” continues the lecturer, whether in terms of education, prevention or support.

In the three-year program, with as many internships, we hope to provide students with experiences in different environments and with different clienteles.

From the second year, future sexologists will go to school to provide sexuality education, then prevention and promotion (in public health, for example), and finally individual intervention, to conclude their training. . The stated objective here is to serve regions which are particularly poorly equipped with sexologists.

The themes covered will be very broad: from anatomical bases to sexual and gender diversity, including mental and sexual health, violence and ethics, it is said.

“It’s a fascinating subject that affects everyone,” says Isabelle Proulx, “there are so many needs in all spheres of intervention and in all populations, and for all ages. I think young people are very aware of it, they are very aware of issues of sexual diversity, they are very knowledgeable. »


Isabelle Proulx

Less taboo, sexuality? “In any case, there is a desire for things to change, that’s clear. »

Note that UQAM (which offers bachelor’s, master’s and also doctorate degrees) was the first Quebec university to train students in sexology. Unless I’m mistaken, the program, by definition multidisciplinary, is still unique in its kind in the country. Opened in 1969, it was part of the university’s mandate at the time to “play an active role in the modernization of Quebec society”, we can read on the department’s website.

Here too, we are delighted with the announcement of this new Quebec program. “This is very good news for all of Quebec,” says Mathieu Goyette, professor and deputy director of undergraduate programs in sexology at UQAM. This is a gain for the entire province. » You should know that in Montreal, we do not supply on demand. “We receive 927 applications for admission and we only accept 180,” he said. It is a program with one of the highest application rates and lowest acceptance. There is definitely room for a second program. »

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