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Thursday, May 19, Radio France reveals that a Swiss subsidiary of the Ehpad Orpea group has paid its leaders free of charge. Médiapart has also updated a Luxembourg channel.
The Ehpad Orpea group, already known for rationing food for its residents, is hiding other secrets. Thursday, May 19, Radio France reveals the existence of a subsidiary of the group, in Switzerland, called Kaufor, which was in charge of purchasing food. The three men at the head of this Swiss company are three directors of the Orpea headquarters in France. For a part-time job, they are paid 143,000 euros per year. “The remuneration of these three characters corresponds to seven years of food in a nursing home of the group“, denounces Loïc Le Noc, secretary general CFDT social health.
For its part, Médiapart reveals the existence of a shell company of the group, in Luxembourg. It would have allowed Orpea to cover dubious financial transactions. “With the Luxembourg and Swiss sectors, we go to the end of the unspeakable. There will have to be lawsuits“, assures Pascal Champvert, president of the association of directors serving the elderly.