new rules to come for parental authority



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

N. Tabouri, J.-M. Lequertier, S. Gravelaine – France 3

France Televisions

A bill, which would automatically withdraw the parental authority of an incestuous or violent parent was adopted Thursday, February 9 in the Assembly.

Can an aggressive or violent parent be a good parent? To this question, the deputies all answered no, Thursday, February 9. This may result in a law that provides for the automatic withdrawal of parental authority from the father or mother convicted of a crime against the other parent, or of sexual assault against the child.

“Guarantee psychological, physical and psychological protection”

Child protection associations have been calling for this law for years. “[Elle] will make it possible not only to protect these children, but also to guarantee them psychological, physical and psychological protection“, considers Martine Brousse, president of the association “La Voix de l’enfant”. The withdrawal of parental authority means the forfeiture of the rights of one of the parents. He can no longer keep his child, nor decide on his coming.

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