new rules for seclusion


Article written by

L. Nahon, A.-C. Roth, J. Coulais, D. Breysse, L. Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

With the rise of the Omicron variant, which is less dangerous, the government has decided to put in place new “lighter” isolation measures, so as not to block the country’s economy.

Faced with Omicron, three times more contagious but not necessarily more dangerous, the government is changing the rules of isolation. If you test positive and your vaccination schedule is complete, then you will be isolated for seven days, or even only five if you test negative again. If you are not vaccinated or your health pass is not valid for lack of a reminder, isolation lasts ten days, seven if you provide a negative test. For a vaccinated contact case up to date in the reminders, no isolation is planned but it will be necessary to be tested on D + 2 and D + 4. Without vaccination or booster, isolation will be seven days. Measures that will come into force on Monday, January 3.

“If everyone is in solitary confinement, the country is at a standstill”, said Olivier Véran, Minister of Health. According to specialists, the latest contamination figures required these reductions. “More than 200,000 people infected every day, that makes a million per week with an average of five to ten contact cases. Very quickly France would have found itself indirectly in a state of confinement”, underlined Professor Philippe Amouyel, epidemiologist at Lille University Hospital. In the hospital, caregivers who test positive will no longer be isolated if they are asymptomatic and work in a Covid unit.


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