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From Saturday, October 1, you will now have to wait a week to buy a dog, a rabbit or even a horse. This time for reflection is imposed by a certificate of commitment and knowledge, which must be signed before acquiring or adopting an animal.
To adopt or buy an animal, individuals must, from Saturday, October 1, wait a period of seven days. All pets are concerned by the certificate of commitment and knowledge, a mandatory document for sales in pet stores, in breeding and for adoptions in shelters and between individuals. “The document will commit you directly to respecting the needs of the animal. It’s to avoid all that is impulse buying”notes Loïc Marteau, adviser animal.
While some associations are campaigning for a detention permit, the certificate is a first step in the fight against abandonment. The measure is well received at the SPA refuge of Luynes (Indre et Loire)saturated. “We have a good hundred dogs for adoption, clearly we juggle between entries and exits. (…) We really hope that this certificate will allow people to ask themselves the right questions before buying or adopting.“, explains Jennifer Gavelresponsible for the SPA refuge of Luynes (Indre et Loire). A decree to come must specify the sanctions in the event of absence of certificate.