new rules for children



France 3

Article written by

Y. Fossurier, B. Théry, B. Weill – France 3

France Televisions

The rules were relaxed on Friday, January 7, for the vaccination of children. From now on, it will take the agreement of both parents to vaccinate 5-11 year olds. Some 67,000 children in this age group received at least one injection.

For 7-year-old Alexia, it’s vaccine day. And in the hospital center of Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (North), Friday January 7, he was scheduled a electric cart to get to the bite. Almost a simple formality, Alexia did not tremble or cry, she is even entitled to a diploma of courage. She is now vaccinated against Covid-19, like her sister Morgane. “It was natural to protect them, and to protect others, especially”, says mom.

Electric carts will remain available to all children who come to be vaccinated in this hospital. “We launched a registration window a fortnight ago and today we have 39 children who have registered”, welcomes Michel Thumerelle, the director of the Saint-Amand hospital. It was the first day open to children aged 5 to 11. Every Wednesday will now be exclusively dedicated to them.

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