new riots in the Netherlands against health measures

Five police officers were injured and at least seven people arrested in The Hague, the city where the Dutch government is seated.

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Protests against health restrictions, decided to deal with an outbreak of Covid-19 cases, again turned to riot on Saturday, November 20 in the Netherlands. In The Hague, cinq police officers were injured and at least seven people arrested.

In this where the Dutch government sits, the police had to charge groups of demonstrators who threw stones and various objects at them and used a water cannon to extinguish burning bikes at a busy intersection.

Clashes in several localities

Clashes also broke out in Urk, a small Protestant town in the center of the country, and in several towns in the province of Limburg in the south. Similar violence occurred on Friday in Rotterdam, in the southwest, where 51 people were arrested and three were shot and wounded.

The Netherlands reintroduced partial containment last week. The government is now planning to ban certain places for the unvaccinated, including bars and restaurants. More than 21,000 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded in the country on Friday.

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