New restrictions on water withdrawals in the Dordogne

It has been very hot in recent days in the Dordogne, and several rivers in the department have seen their flow decrease drastically. The Dronne downstream, the Isle upstream and the Auvézère are particularly impacted, but other small rivers such as the Tardoire, the Dronne upstream, the Loue, the Pude, the Sauvanie, the Crempse, the Caudeau, the Louyre , Couze, Chironde-Coly, Beune and Nauze are also affected.

The Dordogne prefecture has therefore decided to put in place new restrictions, from July 22 at 8 a.m.

  • Bandiat, Pude, Auvézère, Dronne downstream, Chironde-Coly, Beune and Nauze are on alert. It is forbidden to take water two days a week
  • Tardoire, Dronne upstream, Boulou, Sauvanie, Isle upstream, Loue, Beauronne de Chancelade, Cern, Vern, Beauronne de Saint-Vincent, Beauronne des Lèches, Lidoire, Eyraud, Estrop, Gardonnette, Ecourou, Bournègue Dropt upstream, Céou downstream, Germaine and Lizabel are on heightened alert. It is forbidden to take water 3.5 days a week
  • Belle, Crempse, Caudeau, Louyre, Couze-Couzeau, Céou upstream, Tournefeuille, Seignal and Conne are in crisis. It is absolutely forbidden to take water.

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