New resignations within the majority at the town hall of Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle

The crisis worsens within the municipal majority of Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle. The municipal councilors abertzale, allies of mayor Dominique Idiart in the last elections of 2020, resign in turn. They announce it in a declaration intended for the inhabitants dated this Thursday, October 13. The majority is increasingly fractured, since recently five councilors from the mayor’s list had already resigned.
Among them, two assistants.

Disagreements over the management of the municipality

Like the five elected officials who had already resigned, the abertzale elected members of the Senpere Bai groupevoke “disagreements on municipal management” and “personnel management“These elected officials had joined the list of mayor Dominique Idiart in the interval between the last municipal elections; “For the first time, we finally thought we were actors and ensured our mission with the Senpertar“specify the resigners in their written declaration.

These recognize some successes at the start of the mandatesuch as obtaining funding for the work on the lake which had been blocked since 2017. But since then, this agreement has deteriorated considerably according to the elected representatives of Abertzale who list the reasons for grievances: “voluntary retention of information, difficulty in obtaining certain documents necessary for our reflection, absence of debate and work of reflection on the management of personnel and above all a narrow and short-term vision of the management of the municipality“. Already challenged on this subject by the members of his list who resigned recently, the mayor of Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle recognized the existence of points for improvement, while specifying that it had already committed to do better on several levels. For example, by communicating the documents more upstream to its municipal team, or by setting up meetings every 15 days.

New elections?

Will these new resignations within the majority lead to the holding new municipal elections, total or partial? Existing texts on the subject on the sites of the prefectures
specify that the full renewal of the municipal council in towns with more than 1,000 inhabitants must be organised”when the next on the list can no longer be called upon and the municipal council has lost a third of its members“, which given the number of resignations could be the case in Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle. This depends in particular on the response of the people who were on Dominique Idiart’s list in the last elections and who did not been elected (those who are on the last places of the list).

source site-38
