new rallies in support of Ukraine throughout France

Several hundred people gathered all over France to pay tribute to the Ukrainian people, one year after the start of the Russian invasion.

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The day after the first anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine, demonstrations in support of the Ukrainian people were organized on Saturday in several cities in France, including Pau, Nice and Perpignan. The point with the France Bleu network.

New Aquitaine

In Pau, around 200 people took part in a rally organized by the Vesna 64 association, reports France Bleu Béarn Bigorre. The procession stopped in front of the town hall. The mayor, François Bayrou, came to greet the organizers. Ukrainian refugees participated in this march, including Ania. “I really want to go back to my country, with my friends and my family. It’s very sad”, says the 14-year-old girl from kyiv. The demonstrators unfurled a huge flag in the colors of Ukraine, blue and yellow.


In Perpignan, some 150 people, including many Ukrainian families, took part in a march for peace in Ukraine, reports France Bleu Roussillon. Many demonstrators marched through the streets of the city with Ukrainian flags. Young Ukrainian refugees held up a placard on which they wrote in blue and yellow: “Children of Ukraine against the war”.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

In Nice, around 300 people gathered on the Promenade des Anglais. A play recalling the beginnings of the conflict and paying tribute to the Ukrainian resistance was performed there.


In Rennes, around 250 people marched behind a large blue banner which read: “support for the Ukrainian resistance”. A mobilization at the call of the association Solidarité Bretagne Ukraine and the Rennes Committee of the Peace Movement.

Rallies and commemorative ceremonies were also organized on Friday February 24 in Strasbourg, Nancy, Nantes, Le Mans, Dijon, Lille, Amiens, Rennes, and even in Valence.

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