Amazon Prime Video is set to release “Secret Level,” an anthology series launching on December 10. The show will feature 15 episodes, each exploring various iconic video game universes, including “God of War,” “Pac-Man,” and “Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.” With a cast including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Hart, and Keanu Reeves, excitement is building. One episode will delve into the now-defunct game “Concord,” stirring mixed feelings among fans due to its troubled history.
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Curious about what Secret Level is all about? This highly awaited series on Amazon Prime Video is set to captivate gamers everywhere. If you haven’t been keeping an eye on Amazon’s latest productions or the buzz from gaming conferences, you might not be familiar with Secret Level. However, this anthology series is generating significant excitement among video game enthusiasts as we approach the end of the year.
What to Expect from Secret Level
Scheduled for release on December 10, Secret Level promises to celebrate a variety of beloved video game universes through its impressive episodes. The series aims to explore the following gaming worlds:
- Armored Core
- Concord
- God of War
- Crossfire
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Exodus
- Honor of Kings
- Mega Man
- New World: Aeternum
- Pac-Man
- Sifu
- Spelunky
- The Outer Worlds
- Unreal Tournament
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
The series is expected to consist of 15 episodes, each showcasing a different gaming universe. The star-studded cast includes notable names like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Hart, and Keanu Reeves, further raising anticipation for the show. With the release of the first trailers, fans are more eager than ever to tune in.
Interestingly, one of the episodes will focus on Concord, a game that no longer exists. Initially announced before the game’s release, Concord’s inclusion in Secret Level has sparked some debate. Developed by Firewalk Studios and published by Sony, Concord was a multiplayer shooting game that launched poorly on August 23, with player counts barely reaching a thousand. Following its disappointing debut, Sony shut down the game’s servers and issued refunds to players. Despite hinting at a potential revival, the studio was closed, and all development on Concord ceased. As a result, the episode featuring Concord is likely to draw mixed reactions—some may mock the game’s failure, while others might lament the missed opportunity for a rich gaming universe. It’s clear that this episode will not go unnoticed among fans.