new power relations in the maneuver



France 2

Article written by

H.Capelli, V.Astruc, B.Garguy-Chartier, T.Maillet, C.Hilary, L.Marques, F.Legros, A.Tranchant – France 2

France Televisions

New balances of power are exercised within the National Assembly. Although the government is deprived of majority absolute, the first bills presented were passed, at the cost of heated debates and intense behind-the-scenes negotiations.

Minister Bruno Le Maire has been forced to mobilize his troops in the face of opposition that can obstruct at any time. The two weeks of debate around purchasing power were electric. The new National Assembly is the scene of new power relations. The left claiming “democracythe National Rally leaving the hemicycle… VSevery text debated until the end of the year is a fight for the relative majority of Emmanuel Macron.

Some MPs present since 2017 are already fed up, they are tired“, deplores a collaborator macronist. The chair of the meeting sometimes struggles to restore calm. The left systematically opposes the majority. Insubordinate France likes to carry out punch operations. Conversely, the National Rally does not want to systematically block the government in order to build credibility. The majority has found an ally with the Republicans, who voted for the purchasing power measures. For the first time in twenty years, the deputies will resume in October rather than in September.

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