New Pentagon Defense Strategy | Russia is an ‘acute threat’ but China remains the biggest challenge

(Washington) China poses a “fundamental” security risk to the United States for decades to come, while Russia poses an “acute threat,” the Pentagon said in its new defense strategy released Thursday.

Posted at 11:45 a.m.

China “presents the most fundamental and systemic challenge, while Russia poses an acute threat to United States national interests abroad and at home,” the US Department of Defense said in a statement. document which fixes the strategy of the American army for the years to come.

“The deepest and most serious danger to U.S. national security is China’s coercive and increasingly aggressive efforts to reshape the Indo-Pacific region and the international system in accordance with its interests and interests. authoritarian preferences”, according to this new defense strategy published for the first time in concert with the new nuclear strategy of the United States.

“China’s increasingly provocative rhetoric and coercive activities against Taiwan are destabilizing, risk causing misunderstandings, and threaten peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” it said. this document of about twenty pages, of which a longer version classified secret was transmitted to the Congress several months ago.

The new American strategy “seeks to prevent China’s domination of key regions while protecting American territory and strengthening a stable and open international system”, adds the Pentagon, which specifies however that “a conflict with China is neither inevitable nor desirable.

Russia for its part poses an “acute” risk that was “demonstrated most recently by the unwarranted invasion of Ukraine”, according to the document. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine underscores that the nuclear danger persists and could worsen, in an increasingly competitive and unstable geopolitical context.”

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