New on university campuses

This text is part of the special Higher Education notebook

With the 2023 academic year already well underway, here is an overview of the new features seen on different campuses across Quebec.



two trails for a nature reserve

The University of Sherbrooke (UdeS) has just inaugurated two new eco-responsible mountain bike trails and thus wishes to be an example of conservation on a regional scale. The two trails provide a connection to the campus and preserve the biodiversity of the future university nature reserve of Mont-Bellevue Park. They have been developed while respecting sensitive ecological zones and the eco-responsible development of the park’s sports activities. The result of a tripartite collaboration between the UdeS, the Regroupement du parc du Mont-Bellevue and the City of Sherbrooke, this project constitutes a major step towards the creation of the university nature reserve. The designation process is also underway with the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks of Quebec.




n more campus to democratize higher education

The University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR) has just inaugurated a new campus in Terrebonne. After Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Québec and l’Assomption, Terrebonne becomes the fifth establishment of the Trois-Rivières university to receive campus status. It will thus be able to accommodate up to 250 students per year. This development was a priority for UQTR, committed to providing access to university education in the Lanaudière region. The training was previously provided in the premises of the Cégep de Lanaudière in Terrebonne. The city’s mayor, Mathieu Traversy, aims to develop a university district there so that students from Terrebonne, the MRC Les Moulins and the whole of Lanaudière can study in their region. “The university plays a central role in training the next generation and contributes to the growth of the general economy,” we can read on the UQTR website.


soon a new center in Charlevoix?

The National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) announces that its new research and training center for sustainable rural areas in Charlevoix could be established in the city of Baie-Saint-Paul. With this project, INRS wishes to better respond to the challenges specific to rural life in Quebec and develop research in an innovative way thanks to new interdisciplinary study programs. Although Baie-Saint-Paul was pre-selected to host the research center, the Institute assures that its scope will be national, with positive impacts on the workforce and the economy, as well as on research and development. ‘innovation. This center is a step forward for the INRS which wishes to contribute to the “economic, social and cultural development of Quebec”. The rest of the process is now underway towards submitting the feasibility study to the Ministry of Higher Education.



consolidation of mental health services

In February of this year, the École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS) implemented new direct mental health services. Quick and easy to access, these front-line and local intervention services make it possible to offer psychosocial support on demand right on campus. In fall 2022, student life services had already freed up an additional resource. The social work technician thus made it possible to provide a front-line intervention service in order to filter and receive requests for help and provide support for emergency situations. Such local services are essential, because they offer greater flexibility and accessibility, especially during this period. Between 2020 and 2022, with the COVID-19 pandemic, ETS reported a 66% increase in the number of students requesting assistance.



Art therapy and psychoeducation on the program

The University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) announces the creation of two new schools, one in art therapy and the other in psychoeducation. The objective is to promote these disciplines in the region, but also to ratify their professionalization and increase their recognition, which is still a challenge. The creation of the art therapy school will notably strengthen the professional identity of art therapists and promote their recognition. Since 1998, UQAT has been the only university to offer such programs in French in North America. As for the new school of psychoeducation, its vocation is to advance research and encourage its development in this territory so that its population can benefit from it. Psychoeducation has also been part of UQAT’s heritage since its creation in 1979.

This content was produced by the Special Publications team at Duty, relating to marketing. The writing of the Duty did not take part.

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