New night of violence in Guadeloupe and curfew until November 23

This week in Guadeloupe, the police had to intervene to restore access to the University Hospital Center, blocked several times by demonstrators. The situation even degenerated outright during the night from Thursday to Friday: houses and businesses were set on fire in Pointe-à-Pitre, and in Gosier, on the sidelines of this mobilization launched by a collective of union and citizen organizations.

To deal with this situation, Alexandre Rochatte, prefect of Guadeloupe, announced Friday, November 19, the establishment of a curfew between 6 p.m. and 5 a.m. until Tuesday, November 23, and the arrival of 200 police officers and gendarmes. backup. These overflows in Guadeloupe express a fed up. In any case, this is the feeling of Jocelyn Zou, spokesperson for the intersyndicale. Reaction at the microphone of Laurence Baptiste Salomon, for Guadeloupe the 1st.

This movement in Guadeloupe could extend to Martinique. Several unions are calling for a general strike from Monday, November 22. This Sunday morning, roadblocks were still listed at several points on the island.

In New Caledonia, the customary Senate still disputes the maintenance of the consultation on December 12. He accuses the State of having left its neutrality to take a resolute position in favor of the No to independence. The customary institution questions the scope of a self-determination referendum without the participation of the indigenous people.

During the crisis, these professionals received financial aid. Between 1500 and 3000 euros. But the tax administration now asks them to provide supporting documents, otherwise they are ordered to reimburse the sums collected. What, to anger these craftsmen taxis, it is the case of Abdallah Mohamed Bacar, at the microphone of Nadia Ali, Mayotte the 1st.

Finally, in Reunion, as every year, the Post Office is preparing to face the influx of Christmas parcels, often filled with delicious tropical fruits, only here, the European regulations are now very strict, it was necessary to put in new arrangements are in place to check that fresh fruit does not bring with it unwanted guests, in other words harmful insects, as explained by Valérie Deubel, commercial director of La Poste, interviewed by Nadine Bachelot from Réunion la 1ère.

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