new night of tensions after the aggression of Yvan Colonna


France 2

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In Corsica, another night of violence, Thursday March 10, after the attack in prison of Yvan Colonna. The gatherings degenerated causing several injuries. In Ajaccio, protesters broke into the courthouse and set it on fire.

On the night of March 10, the courthouse in Ajaccio (Corse-du-Sud) was targeted by demonstrators, set on fire after throwing Molotov cocktails. Anger rose in Corsica, causing violence for part of the evening. A bank branch was attacked with a construction machine. Five people were arrested overnight.

Yvan Colonna still between life and death

In front of the courthouse blackened by flames, the magistrates call for calm. “I call today for a de-escalation. I think we all have to win to find serenity on our island”, declares Raphaelle Deconstanza, president of Ajaccio. In the same place, a demonstration was held, led by high school students. The mobilizations take place a week after the attempted assassination in prison of the Corsican nationalist Yvan Colonna, still between life and death. The demonstrators want to know in what circumstances this attack took place in a highly guarded prison.

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