This Saturday, May 7, the Les Envasés collective, supported by the Rance Environnement association, is organizing its traditional march at the beginning of the month. A gathering for call for the implementation of a long-term de-siltation plan of the Rance estuary.
A march and symbolic actions
The small group met at 10 a.m., Roué beach in Langrolay-sur-Rance in the Côtes-d’Armor. “We will then take the direction of the town hall”says Xavier Chatelet, spokesperson for Les Envasés, “we would like to meet the mayor and have him sign our petition”. And the activists are not there empty-handed. “I have with me a seal of mud which expresses the state of siltation of the estuary and I carry a small spoon around my neck which symbolizes the slowness of the work”.
– Charlotte Schuhmacher
The tidal power plant and the EPTB singled out
For Sophie Duquenne-Payne, vice president of the Rance Environnement association, the state of siltation comes largely from the tidal power plant. “The plant has blocked the estuary, artificialized the tides and currents, which leads to massive siltation of the estuary.”
The Public Territorial Basin Establishment (EPTB) is also singled out. In charge for several years of experimental operations of de-silting of the Rance, the EPTB wishes to reassure. “We are accused of being too slow. I can tell you that this operation represents a considerable amount of work and that it takes time, that’s normal. Today I would like a peaceful dialogue with the Envasés”confides Jean-Malo Cornée, President of the EPTB Rance-Frémur.
– Charlotte Schuhmacher
Next walk, Saturday, June 4. The place and time of departure are not yet known. “On the other hand, we have already planned a new, somewhat special mobilization on June 18”, says Xavier Chatelet. A challenging gathering. “We are going to join the Moinerie slipway to the Mordreuc slipway in Pleudihen-sur-Rance… by swimming!”