New missile fired by North Korea falls in Japanese waters

According to the South Korean military, North Korea fired a ballistic missile last week, but the test ended in total failure.

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Pyongyang continues its threats. An unidentified projectile, suspected by Tokyo to be an international ballistic missile, was fired Thursday morning March 24 by North Korea. The projectile fell in Japan’s maritime exclusive economic zone, the Japanese defense ministry said.

“Our analyzes indicate that the ballistic missile flew for 71 minutes and fell around 3:44 p.m.” (7:44 a.m. in Paris) about 150 km from the Oshima peninsula, (northern island of Hokkaido), said the Japanese Secretary of State for Defense.

Pyongyang has been abiding by a self-imposed moratorium on intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and nuclear weapon testing since leader Kim Jong Un embarked on a series of high-profile diplomatic meetings with the then US president, Donald Trump in 2018.

The talks broke down and current US President Joe Biden’s efforts to open new negotiations have failed to break diplomacy’s deadlock.

Pyongyang began hinting in January that it might break the moratorium and conducted a record number of weapons tests in the first quarter, firing hypersonic missiles and medium-range ballistic missiles, both banned. According to the South Korean military, North Korea fired a ballistic missile last week, but the test ended in total failure.

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