New “Mirages for Ukraine” tags discovered in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris

After the 5th and 13th arrondissements… They seem to be popping up almost everywhere in the capital.


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These stencils made with black paint were identified on Tuesday June 18 in the streets of Paris.  (JOEL SAGET / AFP)

New tags with inscription “Mirages for Ukraine”, above a drawing representing a coffin-shaped fighter plane, were discovered Wednesday in the 2e district of Paris, rue Chérubini, Franceinfo learned on Thursday June 20 from a source close to the investigation.

Tags of the same type were discovered on Tuesday, rue des Bernardins in 5e borough. And journalists from Libération had also reported it in the 13e district, near their editorial office.

The inscriptions were made using a stencil and black spray paint and seem clearly inspired by a press drawing, created by Charlie Hebdo. Town hall cleaning staff were called upon to clean the tags.

The police had already opened investigations into stencils representing coffins with the inscription “French soldier in Ukraine” and three Moldovans were indicted. 35 red hands were also tagged on the Holocaust memorial in Paris on the night of May 13 to 14.

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