New Minister of Higher Education warns universities about “maintaining order” as October 7 approaches

Patrick Hetzel says he condemns actions organized in recent days in several establishments, notably at Sciences Po Paris.



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Patrick Hetzel, Minister of Higher Education, on October 2, 2024 in the Senate. (AMAURY CORNU / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The new Minister of Higher Education, Patrick Hetzel, warned university presidents of their responsibility in the “maintaining order” ahead of the anniversary of the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7, 2023, in a press release published Friday October 4. “Demonstrations and positions of a political nature, linked to the conflict in the Middle East, have taken place in recent days in several establishments, notably at Sciences Po Paris”he writes, adding that he “strongly condemns these actions, which go against the principles of neutrality and secularism of the public service of higher education”.

As the anniversary of the unprecedented attack by the Islamist movement Hamas on Israeli soil, which sparked the war in the Gaza Strip, approaches, the minister “wanted to remind university presidents and directors of higher education establishments” their “role in preventing possible security risks within their establishment” and remind “to the rectors their role in controlling the legality of the measures taken”.

In a circular sent to the presidents of universities and higher establishments, the minister recalls in particular that they are, “by virtue of the law, responsible for ‘maintaining order’ and ‘security within the premises of the establishment'” and it belongs to them “to make use of [leurs] police powers to prevent any risk of disorder”,y “restore order and protect users and staff”according to this text, consulted by AFP.

This circular also emphasizes that “reporting to the public prosecutor” under article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure “constitutes an obligation for the administration when it notes facts which appear to it to be sufficiently established and likely to constitute a crime or misdemeanor”.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations took place Tuesday and Thursday in front of Sciences Po Paris, bringing together around a hundred people on Tuesday, the establishment confirmed. A demonstration also took place Thursday on the premises of the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (Inalco) in Paris, according to the ministry. Government spokesperson Maud Bregeon described Friday as“inadmissible” the demonstrations at Sciences Po, believing that “management (…) must take responsibility”.

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